• +385 (21) 270-270
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Voucher for complex digital solutions

Voucher for complex digital solutions

Support up to max. 19,900 EUR

  • the service of introducing complex digital solutions that will enable the company to develop digital business models
  • strengthening capacities for the implementation of digitalization and digital transformation, such as solutions for Industry 4.0, development of network systems and processes, IoT (Internet of Things), smart services, automation, projects involving Big data, simulation models, virtual and extended reality, integrated systems (eg: BI and analytics, Market integration (drop shipping) in at least one major market, enterprise resource planning, digital productivity solutions and customer relationship management solutions, including key KPIs for each delivered solution
  • training of employees by the service provider regarding the acquisition of advanced digital skills related to the purpose of the voucher for a minimum duration of 6 hours.

3 employees in the month before submitting the application.

We offer you:

  • assistance in the preparation and creation of the project application
  • assistance with project implementation
  • complete implementation, education, support for LaFMS
  • complete implementation, education, support for Pantheon ERP
  • implementation of the project

The first deadline for applications is:

07.07.2023. at 11:00 a.m

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Or call:

+385 (21) 270-270


The following activities are not acceptable: shops (NKD 45, 46, 47), accommodation (NKD 55), publishing (NKD 58), information (NKD 63), financial (NKD 64, 65, 66, 77), real estate (NKD 68) , law (NKD 69.1), architectural (NKD 71.11), publicity (NKD 73.1), other (NKD 59, 60, 61, 74, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92).

Eligible applicants are micro, small and medium enterprises, registered min. 6 months before submission of the application.

The maximum aid intensity is 60%.

A maximum of 2 vouchers can be granted to one applicant.


  • 1st term from 1 June 2023 to 7 July 2023
  • 2nd term from November 1, 2023 to December 1, 2023
  • 3rd term from March 1, 2024 to April 1, 2024

Administrative documentation

  • Application form electronic version in the eNPOO system
  • Declaration of the applicant on the truthfulness of the data
  • Statement on used low-value grants
  • Collective statement of the applicant
  • Service provider statement
  • A preliminary invoice (offer/preliminary contract) on the provision of a service that is co-financed through the requested voucher
  • Extract from the Register of Real Owners
  • BON2/SOL2
  • Electronic record of labor legal status HZMO or Form JOPPD

Eligible service providers are exclusively legal and natural persons registered in the Catalog of Service Providers as part of the Call for Vouchers for Digitization, which is published on the Ministry's website according to the types of vouchers.

The call is conducted as an open procedure in the modality of a temporary call for the submission of project proposals, and three deadlines for the submission of project proposals are foreseen. The first period for receiving applications lasts from June 1, 2023 to July 7, 2023, and the next planned deadlines for submitting project proposals are: 2. deadline from November 1. until 01.12.2023. year and the 3rd term from 01.03. until April 1, 2024. year, and project proposals are submitted exclusively through the eNPOO system.

You can find the tender documentation on the link Open public calls and tenders and in the eNPOO system according to voucher types:

Voucher to improve digital skills (VDV)
Voucher for digital marketing (VDM)
Voucher for creating a digital transformation strategy (VDT)
Voucher for cyber resilience diagnostics (VKO)
Voucher for complex digital solutions (VSD)


LAMA l.t.d
Stinice 12, Split, Croatia

Email: info@lama.hr 
Phone: +385 (21) 270-270
Email: podrska@lama.hr 

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